Serenynia: Pure kindness, complete self control, World peace was the result.
August 19, 1962: The Day Future History Started.
Serenynia: an expression or gesture of greeting —used by nice people.
Serenynia: a concluding remark or gesture at parting —used by nice people.
Serenynians: Genuinely nice people, the ones who created World Peace, i.e. Serenynia.
October 27, 2021
157 050 words written so far on the Serenynia novel. Finished!
October 25, 2021
157 050 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 23, 2021
155 696 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 22, 2021
154 270 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 21, 2021
153 230 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 17, 2021
149 591 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
If you take kindness out of the equation
Savagism is the result
I added kindness
Gregory Gains
October 15, 2021
146 581 words written so far on the Serenynia novel. (Edited out a chapter. Will use it in the movie instead.)
October 14, 2021
146 646 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 12, 2021
145 275 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 11, 2021
143 695 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 10, 2021
142 645 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 9, 2021
140 458 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 8, 2021
139 720 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 7, 2021
138 373 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 5, 2021
135 892 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
October 1, 2021
130 642 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
September 29, 2021
128 581 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
September 20, 2021
123 927 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
September 15, 2021
119 441 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
September 11, 2021
116 662 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
September 7, 2021
115 094 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
August 13, 2021
109 121 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
July 27, 2021
106 266 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
July 18, 2021
99 988 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
July 11, 2021
97 531 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
July 4, 2021
95 790 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
July 1, 2021
930816 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
June 21, 2021
91 499 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
June 18, 2021
87 329 words written so far on the Serenynia novel.
May 27, 2021
The brain is a mirror, your answers are right there.
Gregory Gains
May 2021
The outside is a direct result of the inside.
Gregory Gains
March 14, 2021
The shortfilms, Serenynia Too, and, Serenynia Too 2162 Anthem, finished and released.
March 2021
Still working on the short film for the song Serenynia Too 2162 Anthem in between writing the Serenynia novel.
It’s easy writing a novel if you master the art of Time Travel, just go forward in time and look what you wrote, then go back home again and write that.
The Serenynia novel is written like that.
February 2021
Working on a short film for the song Serenynia Too 2162 Anthem which is a part of the Serenynia Universe.
January 2021
I’m writing on chapter 8 on the Serenynia novel.
The novel that became the most selling novel of all times in the future.
December 2020
The album Serenynia Too is now released world wide, Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, just search for it on your favorite streaming service, I’m there.
November 2020
Serenynia Too is now recorded, it will be released soon.
Everything is replaceable except time and people.
Treat each other well and use your time wisely.
By treating others well.
Gregory Gains
The answer to World Peace.
Gregory Gains
What exactly is Serenynia?
When you’re ready I’ll tell you.
Gregory Gains
Serenynium (Sy 120) is a chemical element, an atom consisting of chronotonic frequency energy.
The energy inside the atom is also its fuel, it’s extremely powerful and perpetual as in infinite.
The atom creates the ability to travel between dimensions just by thinking about traveling somewhere, anywhere or anywhen, and as the structure of the Universe is an infinite number of dimensions based on frequencies it’s a very exact process, and dangerous, so it’s advisable to proceed with caution if you’re lucky enough to possess the atom, which is highly unlikely.
However, don’t despair, even if you’re not the lucky one to actually have the atom in your DNA, the frequency emitted from the atom is highly transferable to any humans, even the unborn as they too have brains, and that frequency is the byproduct of the atom and it radiates kindness and that benefits everybody.
The Serenynium atom was first discovered in the DNA of Gregory Gains in 1983, but further studies by Gregory Gains himself showed that it was in fact 1975. However, the discovery of the presence of Serenynium in his DNA in 1975 made Gregory Gains questioning his own findings because of the lack of logic so he traveled back farther and farther and found the Serenynium in the very first blood sample when he was born in 1962. Gregory Gains deducted that the only logical conclusion to be drawn is that he himself was the source and by traveling back to his younger selves, his presence in those dimensions transferred the Serenynium into his younger selves. As with all frequencies, they have a signature, and signatures can be traced and received by a receiver, in this case, Gregory Gains. In other words, he transmitted the atom to himself, his younger selves, simply by being there. So now the big question was, why was Gregory Gains both the transmitter and the receiver, and from where did he receive the Serenynium in the first place? Gregory Gains traveled back to a dimension when he wasn’t even born in an attempt to transmit the atom to his parents. He “accidentally” met his parents and talked with them for a while, just pleasantries and then “have a nice day” and Gregory left. They didn’t know they were talking to their future son. Gregory Gains choose that particular day for a reason, the day after their brief meeting both his mother and father gave blood. Gregory took a small sample and analyzed it. No Serenynium. He did the same thing with other people he knew, it’s very easy to track people if you are able to travel in time. None of the tests contained Serenynium. Gregory deducted that the only logical explanation is that he himself created the atom with his mind and his guitar, which in turn transmitted the frequency and as he was the creator he was receptible to the atom, which now was a part of his DNA. To conclude, Gregory Gains not only found the Serenynium he also created it. Kind of like the watch in the movie Somewhere In Time, where did the watch come from? But not really like that at all, just a fun fact.
Serenynium is the most powerful energy source in any Universe.
Working on a new novel, Serenynia©, the complete story about the dangers in traveling in time because Time Isn’t real.
Short films, prequels to Serenynia©:
TIME (2018)
TIME TO – What Happens One Hour Earlier (2018)
The novel Serenynia©, is the full story about the time traveling musician Gregory Gains and his wife Michelle and daughter Nathalie.
Serenynia© is a full feature film, at least in the future it was.
Within the State of Serenynia© there are several cities, Serenynia© (of course), Serenynium©, Jefferson City among others, but in those three cities is where the main plot of the novel and movie takes place.
Cast and characters:
Gregory Gains
Michelle Gains
Nathalie Gains
Yvette Gains
Serenyniette Gains
Serenynielle Gains
Ginevra Cellini
Filippa Cellini
Leonello Contarini
Vittoria Family
Piero Veneziano (bank manager)
Matteo (doctor)
Agostino, (Owner of the courier company)
The Bastard (The awful lawyer)
Cosimo (Doctor… maybe?)
Angelle Gains
Desielle Gains
Madeleinielle Gains
Shenelle Gains
Augustelle Gains
… and more…
You don’t really need a time machine.
Use your brain.
Gregory Gains
The Guitar Is Me, My Guitar Is Life.
Gregory Gains
Serenynia© is a way of life.
It gives you complete control.
Gregory Gains
Over population is the main problem.
Use condoms and save the World.
Gregory Gains
Look out for number one.
Politicians do it too.
Gregory Gains
Projection is the most common brain disease in the World today.
People suffering from projection are not aware of it and thus they do not seek help.
So it spreads.
Gregory Gains
Love People And They Will Love You Back.
Unless they’re stupid of course.
Gregory Gains
To restore Peace, you need to eliminate the threat.
Weapons are Peace Makers.
Gregory Gains
Time Was Invented By Man
So How Can We Travel In Time
Gregory Gains
Video Killed The Radio Star.
Internet Killed Humanity.
Gregory Gains
Tough Guys Don’t Dance.
Norman Mailer
Last week I was feeling great, what has changed since then?
Nothing, and that means I should feel equally great today.
Gregory Gains
Start thinking about what you want.
Instead of filling your mind with shit.
Gregory Gains
An idle mind is a destructive mind.
A busy mind is a constructive mind.
Gregory Gains
If you don’t have positive thoughts, don’t think.
Gregory Gains
Disappointment is the result of expectations
Gregory Gains
Problems are just things waiting to be solved.
Gregory Gains
You are the creator of your life.
Gregory Gains
It’s all about The Mind.
Control it.
Gregory Gains
Solidus Guild, a private exclusive guild founded in 1979 by Gregory Gains.